Friday, November 8, 2013

Building a Strong Defense and Immune System for a Healthy Winter

By Linda Penkala, LMT 

Imagine an army that collectively prepares for battle with the finest machinery, and manpower, or a soccer team that intentionally goes after the best players in their countries to win the world Cup, or a racehorse whose trainer prepares this fine athlete with the best food, riders and horsemanship to win the Kentucky derby.  All these scenarios are meaningful, crafted decisions to be at the height and pinnacle for success.
We too, with our remarkable and resilient bodies, can go into the battle of winter and then spring with a strong, healthy and vibrant immune system within the body, all by design by being proactive.  Holistically minded people are looking to the spice cabinet, essential oils and all that mother nature has to offer naturally, to simply stay well by boosting the immune system daily, not a one-time event.  These choices help reduce the chances of succumbing to the flu, colds, respiratory illnesses and sickness.  The best offense is a great defense” my dad taught our sports minded family and to this day, this adage holds true for our bodies in terms of our army of protection.  It works 24/7 for us daily, by way of our immune systems identifying and killing viruses, bacteria, and pathogens that may harm us.

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