Thursday, November 21, 2013

IMEX Forecasts 2014 Meeting Trends

By Matt Alderton
November 20, 2013

Shorter online attention spans, growing social consciousness and increasing diversity are among the broad social trends that will shape meetings and events next year, according to the IMEX Group, which this week made its predictions for the top meetings industry trends of 2014:

1. Changing content: “The incredible growth of YouTube, TED and short, sharp TV and video news clips (including the birth of super-bite-sized Vine) means attention spans are shorter than ever,” IMEX observes. “Four minutes is a lifetime online. Expect meetings and event content to be delivered in ever more entertaining, diverse and digestible pieces.”

2. Employee satisfaction: “The big watchword for our working lives in the 90s and new millennium was ‘work/life balance.’ In 2014 this shifts to ‘workplace spirituality,’” IMEX says. “A growing number of organizations recognize that employee loyalty and motivation hinges on a convergence of personal values with corporate ones … Expect more organizations to embrace happiness as their ethos for growth in 2014.”

Read full article here from Successful Meetings

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