Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Women Veterans Interactive

Women Veterans Interactive
November 25, 2013
 The state of Maryland values women veterans and appreciates your service to our nation.  

On Monday, November 25, 2013 from 5:45 pm to 7:30 pm, we will be collecting information about issues facing women veterans as they return to families, jobs, and communities.  The goal is to increase the quality and availability of health and support services for women who have served.

You are invited to participate in a focus group with other women veterans from Maryland and the nearby region.  
Your participation is completely voluntary and confidential.  Focus groups will involve 6-8 women and will last approximately 90 minutes.  To thank you for participating, you will receive $50 cash and refreshments.

To be eligible to participate, you must be a veteran of the post 9-11 era, or a current National Guard/Reserve member not on active duty.  We are especially interested in hearing from women who deployed to Iraq and/or Afghanistan.

The focus groups will include questions about your military experience and how you are adjusting to civilian life.  We will discuss such topics as the impact of your military service on family and work relationships, any health issues related to military service, your use of the VA or other health services, and resources and support systems that have been helpful since you separated from the military.  We are also interested in your views about how to improve the quality and accessibility of services for women veterans.  We will summarize information shared in the groups and use it to train health professionals and improve the quality of health and support services for women veterans.  
All information you share will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous.  Your name and any identifying information will not be used in any report.  You can answer the questions you want but do not have to answer questions that make you feel uncomfortable.  
If you would like to participate or want more information, please contact Ginger Miller at, or Allison Schroeder at (301) 405-7573.

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