Monday, December 16, 2013

Delaney urges business leaders to help shape minimum wage proposal

With momentum building for higher hourly pay in Maryland, Rep. John Delaney, a co-sponsor of a federal minimum wage bill and a former CEO, urged Baltimore-area business leaders Thursday to have a voice in a measure he said is long overdue.

The business community's involvement in crafting a law will be key in limiting damage to businesses while lifting the standard of living for low-wage workers, the Maryland Democrat said during a round table discussion led by the Greater Baltimore Committee.

While Congress is unlikely to act soon on the federal proposal, he said, momentum has shifted to the states, 19 of which now have higher minimums than the federal $7.25 an hour. Maryland has not raised its $7.25 an hour minimum since 2009.

Read more:,0,7628648.story#ixzz2neJTc8Ef

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