Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Oseh Shalom Replacing the Sanctuary Dome, Great Photo Op

Who: Oseh Shalom congregation

What: Removing and replacing the sanctuary dome (whole)
Picture opportunity!

When: Dec. 10, 2013 between 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Oseh Shalom’s unique Sanctuary dome is scheduled to be removed and replaced from Tuesday, December 10, weather permitting as the main part of a renovation project that will take approximately 3 days. The plan is for the old dome, which is made of fiberglass, to be removed whole by crane on Tuesday morning, December 10 between 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The crane will place the old dome on the quad in front of the building. The removal by crane will take approximately 25 minutes. The congregation’s membership and community leaders will be invited to view this part of the renovation. The new dome will be assembled and is expected to be completed prior to Friday evening services that week. 

The dome covers Oseh Shalom’s sanctuary, allowing light to penetrate the congregation’s prayer space. As light turns to darkness on Shabbat and holidays, the dome provides visual evidence of the change from day to night. 

The dome has been in place for more than 22 years – the life of the building – but it is now time to repair and replace it. 

For technical and historical information about the synagogue dome, contact:
Rogan Stearns
Stearns Engineering
208 North Adams Street
Rockville MD 20850
t 301-294-9414 x205
f 301-294-3096

For information on the crane and the actual removal:
Trevor A. Morrison
3505 Inverness Dr. Chevy Chase, MD 20815 -O
PO Box 539 Kensington, MD 20895 – M

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