Thursday, December 12, 2013

The case for a $12 minimum wage in Baltimore

Associate Editor- Baltimore Business Journal
Greater Baltimore workers should earn a minimum wage of somewhere between $11.55 and $13.85 per hour, according to a suggestion by University of Massachusetts Amherst economist Arindrajit Dube.

Dube in a New York Times op-ed pointed out that even if the Democrats' proposed $10.10 national minimum wage becomes law — which is unlikely in today's political climate — that means full-time employees would still only earn 37 percent of the median wage in the United States.

The 1968 minimum wage, he adds, was equivalent to $10.60 an hour in today's money, or 55 percent of the median full-time wage. But even meeting that threshold would ignore the obvious — that it's more expensive to live in some areas of the country than others.

 Read full article here from Baltimore Business Journal

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