Wednesday, January 29, 2014

2013 Internet Statistics - Numbers, Trends, and Analytics

What did the Web look like in 2013? In this article, we'll go through a wide variety of usage statistics from around the Web that will help us understand what we did on the Internet this year, from mobile usage numbers to social user behavior to global Internet statistics. 

1. Mobile Web Use

More of us are accessing the Web via mobile devices - smartphones, tablets, phablets - than in any time before in history, and that is only expected to increase. For 2013:
  • 58% of all US consumers already own a smartphone. - ComScore
  • Over 1.2 billion people access the web from their mobile devices. - Trinity Digital Marketing
  • Global mobile traffic now accounts for 15% of all Internet traffic. - Internet Trends 2013
  • Mobile-based searches make up one quarter of all searches. - The Search Agency
  • 50% of mobile phone users, use mobile as their primary Internet source. - Digital Buzz
  • Overall use of mobile apps soared by 115 percent in 2013. Utilities and productivity apps rose by 149 percent, music and entertainment apps by 78 percent, and games by 66 percent. But the biggest leap was achieved by messaging and social apps, which climbed by 203 percent. - Flurry Analytics
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