Wednesday, January 8, 2014

First Annapolis Consulting Plans to Relocate Headquarters to Annapolis

Annapolis, Maryland (January 8, 2014)- First Annapolis Consulting, Inc., will relocate its headquarters to Annapolis, maintaining its presence in Anne Arundel County after signing a lease for 21,000 square feet of office space at 3 Park Place.  Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation and Annapolis Economic Development Corporation worked with the company after it began a regional site search.

“We are thrilled with First Annapolis Consulting’s commitment to continue making Anne Arundel County its home,” said County Executive Laura Neuman. “I know they will benefit from the many resources and the talented workforce our county has to offer as they continue to grow.”

“First Annapolis Consulting's decision to locate in Annapolis makes good sense for the company and is a boost for our city," Annapolis Mayor Mike Pantelides said.  "Annapolis enjoys a high quality of life and a growing economy.  I want to thank Anne Arundel County and its Economic Development Corporation for working in partnership with us to find First Annapolis an appropriate location.”

“We are pleased to be returning to our roots in Annapolis,” First Annapolis Managing Partner Marc Abbey said. “We look forward to the unique working environment in the city.”

First Annapolis, founded in 1991, is a management consulting and mergers and acquisitions advisory firm that specializes in the electronics payments industry.  Its clients include global financial institutions, retailers, payment networks, and technology providers.  The company will be making a significant investment in the office space and will relocate its 70+ employees to the new Annapolis office.   First Annapolis is scheduled to open the new office in February of 2014.

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