Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Invitation to Join the BWCC Legislative Committee

Barney Hughes, Chair, of the Baltimore Washington Corridor Chamber’s Legislative Committee would like to invite the members of the BWCC to join him and members of the BWCC Legislative Committee on Thursday mornings at 8:30 am beginning February 6th on a group conference call to discuss legislative issues that are now being proposed by the Maryland General Assembly whose session began earlier this month.   The Conference calls are held on a weekly basis throughout the session to discuss proposed legislation that affects all businesses in the state of Maryland and most specifically, our Chamber members.  We would very much like to get  your feedback on these issues and believe you will find the conference calls interesting.

Members of the Legislative Committee meet via conference call to decide what action the BWCC should take about any proposed legislation.  Once the decision is made, letters expressing the views of our membership  are sent to the legislative committees considering the proposed legislation. Your input on these matters is very valuable and we hope you will join us.  Please contact Shirley Redd either by phone or email at 301-725-4000, ext. 107 or to let us know about your interest so your name can be added to the group for all notifications about the conference calls.

Thanks.  We look forward to hearing from you.

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