Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Maryland milk producers aren't crying over spilt milk, but still expect hauling legislation this week

By Timothy Sandoval Times Staff Writer
Maryland milk producers say they expect a bill that would increase the amount of milk that can be hauled on state roads to be introduced in the Maryland General Assembly this week.

Although it has not been determined who will introduce the legislation, a state dairy industry representative said Monday that a few state lawmakers have expressed interest in introducing or sponsoring a bill that would create permits allowing five-axle trucks hauling milk to weigh more than 80,000 pounds — the current weight limit for haulers on state and interstate roads.

Milk producers say the hauling restrictions put Maryland’s 476 dairy farmers at a disadvantage. Haulers often need to cross state lines to haul milk, and many nearby states allow haulers to weigh 95,000 pounds or more on state roads.

 Read full article here from The Carroll County Times

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