Thursday, January 30, 2014

Hogan names Boyd Rutherford as running mate

Republican gubernatorial candidate Larry Hogan introduced Boyd Rutherford, a former Ehrlich administration Cabinet secretary, as his running mate Wednesday night at a rally at an Annapolis-area crab house.

Hogan, the Anne Arundel County resident who was appointments secretary for GOP Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., became a late entry in the governor's race last week. He joined a field that includes Harford County Executive David R. Craig, Del. Ron George of Anne Arundel County and Charles County business executive Charles Lollar.

Of Hogan's rivals, only Craig has named a running mate, Del. Jeannie Haddaway of the Eastern Shore.

Read more:,0,3628648.story#ixzz2rupFk8Cz

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